North American Biochar & Bioenergy Conference - Decarbonizing our Economy
08AugGanztägig10North American Biochar & Bioenergy Conference - Decarbonizing our Economy
Event Details
The 2022 North American Biochar & Bioenergy conference will focus on bridging scientific, industrial, practitioner, and policy gaps in biomass utilization for biochar and bioenergy production. The meeting will draw attention to
Event Details
The 2022 North American Biochar & Bioenergy conference will focus on bridging scientific, industrial, practitioner, and policy gaps in biomass utilization for biochar and bioenergy production. The meeting will draw attention to biochar and bioenergy science, technology, and sustainability issues at local-to-global scales.
The US Biochar Initiative (USBI) promotes the sustainable production and use of biochar, and has hosted the pre-eminent North American biochar conference since 2009. The West Virginia University (WVU) is our academic conference partner. WVU is currently leading the MASBio Program through funding from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture
North American Biochar and Bioenergy will be held in Morgantown, West Virginia.
8. August 2022 - 10. August 2022 (Ganztägig)(GMT-05:00)
Morgantown, West Virginia USA
Christian Mulle
Telefon: +41 79 415 88 19 (vorübergehend)
Christian Mulle
Spirenwaldstrasse 120
3803 Beatenberg
Die Initianten
Hans-Peter Hufenus, nature & healing
Christian Mulle, walkout
Thomas Tschopp, Beatenberg Tourismus
Roland Noirjean, bilderbeck